Assuming that 42 days (6 weeks) are available for preparing the quotation, the various steps leading to submission of a tender by the builder would consist of :
Enquiries/application for and
receipt of blank tender document.
No. 1 to 3
Initial reading through of
documents, perusal of drawings and decision to compete.
No. 4 to 31
Working out detailed quantities in
the case of lump sum tenders (bill of quantities being usually not supplied
in Indian tendering practice) either 'in-house' or as a ‘framed out' job.
This activity is always critical when quoting for lump sum tenders.
No. 4 to 20
Careful reading through of
documents, despatch of inquiries and receipt of
quotations from subcontractors for
electrical/water supply/plumbing items etc. and from suppliers of building
materials/proprietory articles.
No. 6 to 10
Prepare check-list of items of
information to be collected. Visit to the site of work to the agency
supervising the work on behalf of the owner/employer. Assessing the
nature/extent and cost of all site mobilisation work like approach roads,
fencing, site offices etc. that will be needed. Assessing extent of
competition that will be encountered. Discrete enquiry about the soundness of
the owner/employer and his capacity to pay ensuring regular interim payments
and cash flow.
No. 10 to 20
Decision on construction methods,
programming of work and relating these to the time allowed in the tender for
completion of the work on ground. Drawing up of network if required to be
submitted along with the tender.
No. 21 to 25
Assessing cost of overheads of
fixed as well as time related nature.
No. 26 to 31
Work out basic unit rates
(exclusive of overheads/establishment charges/profit) for all items of work
in readiness for pricing the detailed quantities. It is a good policy to work
out basic unit rates independently for each job.
No. 32 to 38
Pricing the worked out quantities
at the basic unit rates and striking a total. This total when compared with
the total cost of overheads for the job in question yields the percentage
mark-up of the basic unit rates to cater for overheads.
No. 39 to 40
Establishment charges (or head
office charges) expressed as a percentage for a particular builder usually
remain constant for all jobs. A policy decision about the percentage of
profit is made for each job depending on the size/type/nature of job. risk
factors involved and the extent of urgency to secure work. Rate to be quoted
for each item of work in the bill of quantities will be:
Basic unit rate + overheads,
establishment charges and profit together expressed as a percentage.
No. 41
The bank tender documents are
neatly filled up, signed and stamped. Accompanying documents like forwarding
letter, instruments of earnest money, programme of work cash flow
requirements/stage payment schedules etc. typed and kept ready.
No. 42
Submission of tender.