To Determine The Percentage Of Voids Present In The Given Sand Sample


Voids is the empty space between the sand particles. It is the difference between the gross volume and the sand mass and the volume occupied by the particles alone. Rounded sand have approximately 33 % to 35 % voids i.e. 38 % to 41 % . Flaky sand have highest percentage of voids.


1.     First of all sufficient quantity of sand was loosely filled upto certain height of container and levelled the top surface of sand.
2.     The height of sand was recorded.
3.     Clear water was taken in the measuring cylindrical container of 100 ml.
4.     Water was pour slowly into the container in which sand was loosely filled.
5.     See that the air bubbles come out.
6.     Stop pouring water when the air bubbles stop coming out.
7.     See that the sand and water level do not exceed from its original height.
8.     Record the quantity of water added.
9.     Find out the _% of voids contain.


1.     The height of sand sample should be taken accurately.
2.     The sand in container must loosely filled and water should be slowly added in sand.
3.     Cylinder container should properly be cleaned.
4.     Volume of water added should be taken accurately.

     Diagram :

                                         Measuring Cylinder

Observation Table:

Sr. No.
Initial Volume of sand
Volume of water
% percent of voids contain
225 ml
77 ml
34.22 %
205 ml
63 ml
30.73 %


% percent of voids = Volume of water added / volume of sand X 100

1.                77 / 225 X 100 = 34.22 %

2.                63 / 205 X 100 = 30.73 %

      Average voids = 34.22 + 30.73 / 2

                               = 32.48 %


The average value of 32.48 % voids contained was found to be 32.48 %