The procedure and method of any one type of flooring

Flooring is done to give the floor good and decent appearance. There are various types of floor which are commonly adopted for residential as well as public building. Each floor has its own advantage and disadvantage and there is not a single type that can be suitable and provided under all construction. The section of type of floor cause a problem and as such same point are carefully considered before flooring.

1.      It should be durable.

2.    It should be easy to clean.

3.    As far as possible it should be noiseless.

4.    It should have a good appearance.

5.     It should be free from dampness.

6.    It should have low maintenance cost.

The different types of flooring are

1.      Mud flooring.

2.    Murrum flooring.

3.    Brick flooring.

4.    Cement concrete flooring.

5.     Tiles flooring.

6.    Mosaic flooring.

7.     Marble flooring.

The material usually employed for the floor finish or covering are

a.     mud and murrum

b.    Tiles

c.     Stones

d.     Rubber

e.     Wood

f.       Linoleum

g.     Bricks and cork

h.    Concrete magnesite

i.       Mosaic, glass, terrazzo, marble

j.       Asphalt and plastic or p.v.c.

Mosaic Tile Flooring

Over the hard base concrete bed a 5 cms to 6 cms thick layer of lime surkhi mortar is spread in a small area. The area taken is such that the flooring can be easily completed in that portion without mortar getting dry on this a layer of powered paste consisting of two part of silted slaked lime one part of powdered marble and one part of puzzolana is laid in thickness of exceeding 3 mm. This surface is left to get dry for four hour tiles or marble pieces cut to the desired shapes are then hammered on this surface in the desired patterns. The surface is gently rolled by light stone roller about 30 cms in diameter and 40 to 60 cms in length. Rolling is done till the tile or marble pieces from an even surface and are cemented together properly. The surface is allowed to dry for a day and then polished by rubbing it with cumic stone fitted with long wooden handle. The polished surface is finally allowed to dry for some weeks before use. This type of flooring is commonly used in operation theaters, temples, bathrooms and superior type of building floors.


Advantage of mosaic tiles

1.      It is non-adsorbent and thus it is very safe for water stones.

2.    It is durable and hence it is used in residential building and public building.

3.    It is smooth.

4.    It is economical.

Disadvantage of mosaic tiles

1.      It is required proper attention while laying.

2.    It can not be satisfactory repaired by paton work.

The following precaution should be taken while flooring is done

1.      Tiles should be laid on preferable horizontal plan.

2.    The joint should be perfectly filled.

3.    Finishing should be done properly.