Ensure safety within your society

Aspects like stored fuel, cooking gas cylinders and the power distribution board need to be regularly scrutinized and safeguards adhered to.
Fire is usually caused because of short circuits in power and negligence towards storing volatile material in the vicinity. According to the Fire & Security Association of India, the basic safety standards that are to be maintained are as follows:

Gas cylinders and fuel

  • Do not store kerosene in glass bottles but in plastic cans and in dry and under a shade.
  • Not more than one spare cylinder to be stored in the house. If more than one then they should be stored in the open space like galleries. The spare cylinder preferably not kept in the kitchen.
  • Not to stack cloths or old papers or the kerosene/petrol can on or near the cylinders.
  • If you have plants in the house the pesticides should also not be stored near a gas cylinder.
  • Always shut of the gas or the LPG gas knob when not in use. If you are using a LPG gas then there should be gas sensor in the kitchen. LPG gas being odorless and colorless cannot be smelt or seen so it has to be sensed.


  • The power distribution board should have an earth leakage circuit breaker as it trips power in case of faults.
  • There should not be any joints in the electrical wiring. If joints have to be made then should be properly taped.
  • The wires used should be fire resistant grade.
  • The switches and sockets should be properly matched.
  • The entire electrical wiring and switchgears to be properly earthed.
  • Practice using IS or ISI certified wiring accessories, switchgears and appliances.
  • In case of renovation works, if air conditioners / geysers / or other power draining appliances like the microwaves are being added please get the main capacity checked by a certified electrical contractor or preferably by an engineer from the supply company like the BEST / REL / TATA.
  • If the capacity of the cable and switchgears is not enough get the same upgrade or changed to avoid overloading and hence overheating of cables which may lead to short circuits.
  • In case of high rise buildings the electrical shafts should be partitioned by fire proof or iron sheets to avoid fire from spreading vertically.
  • Fire extinguishers to be placed on alternate floors for high rise buildings and in the ground floor for the small cluster or apartments.
  • The security staff should be trained to operate the extinguishers.
  • If there are transformer/substations in the same premises, they should be properly demarcated and no rubbish be allowed to collected near the same.
  • Society offices should have first aid kits / fire blankets / gas masks and small pick axes as part of the emergency kit.

Fire protection services

  • Mainly for high rise buildings, sprinklers should be provided at least in the lift lobbies.
  • The hydrant system is a must. The hose reels, valves should be properly cleaned and maintained.
  • Enough water (as directed by the fire NOC) should always be there in the storage tanks.
  • The fire pumps should be regularly oiled and maintained.
  • If possible fire drills to be regularly carried out.
  • The emergency staircases to be void of any storage and should have a clear path for movement of people.
  • The driveway around the building should be clear of traffic and a minimum of 6 meters of space should be kept open for the fire engine to drive.
  • The refuge areas certified as refuge areas should not be clustered or used for any other reasons. There areas should always be kept empty. Water point should be provided in this area.
  • Fire Brigade should be invited to check the premises once in a year.
  • There should be at least one lift on generator standby.