When used as a pump primer,
SPPA eliminates the need for premium priced grout slurries or bagged cement
primers. As a pumping aid, SPPA enables the pumping of harsh mixes, reduces
line pressure and increases range of pumpability.
Instruction for use
Use 250 gms in 20 litres of
water to prime 30 m of 12.5 cm pump line. Mix for one minute. Allow the mixture
to set for a least 5 minutes. Pour into the priming directly in the hopper may
be possible. In addition, SPPA is compatible with a all conventional concrete
materials and can be used as any standard concrete pumping aid.
SPPA contain no calcium
chloride and is compatible with all standard concrete materials.
250 gms pouches
Shelf life
Twelve months when stored in
original closed container.