With a little effort you can enjoy silverware or silver plated products for a life time, even generations. It’s form, its sheen and its feel even as it ages, makes it an object of beauty. Rainy season is a time when there is excessive moisture in air. And this can affect many things in our home. And one such thing is out silverware.

Sparkling silverware is what we like but during rainy season you will have worry about how the moisture can affect it. Maintaining your silverware shine may seem a mammoth task during the rainy season due to high levels of humidity. But with the right care they will remain polished and twinkling. Here are damage control methods to keep safe your silverware this rainy season.


Silver tarnishes when in contact with sulphur in atmosphere. Therefore use your silver regularly as usage breaks the surface sulphide film that causes tarnish.

  • For food products, be sure to wipe dry after washing and use a soft cloth.
  • For decorative products, wipe daily during the daily house dusting process. This delays tarnishing.


While storing, wrap silverware in a soft white felt cloth and then in airtight poly bags. Do not wrap in news print nor seal the poly bags with rubber bands. Dampness encourages tarnish and can also harm wooden handles, mother of pearl handles, etc. So store silverware in clean, dry, airtight cupboards.


Salt is harmful to silver, burning its surface and leaving permanent black spots. Similarly, certain foods contain mild acids and silver should be well rinsed after contact with peas, eggs, Brussels sprouts, etc.

Cleaning silver

Heavily Tarnished silver pieces can be cleaned with:

  • Foam or liquid paste.
  • Both Indian and imported polishes are easily available in the market.
  • A soft chamois cloth or silver dips are also very effective.
  • Use a weak solution of washing soda and water to clean heavily stained tea or coffeepots.
  • Pierced work should not be cleaned with a cloth as it may get stuck on the edges. Use a soft brush.
  • Silver can be washed in dishwashers but avoid contact with stainless steel as a reaction can occur.


Improper handling can damage valuable silver. Do not lift hinged items like teapots or boxes by their cover as hinges are likely to break. Do not place pieces near heaters as intense heat can damage hinges and wooden handles.