Functions of Materials Manager

A Material Manager in any construction organisation is expected to perform the following important functions.

  • The procure the materials required on the construction project.

  •  To plan the economic use of all the construction materials received on the project site.

  • To keep a close watch, both on the supply and consumption of the various construction materials at every stage of construction work.

  • To avoid improper and undue collection of building material.

  • To ensure proper storage of construction material and other materials required for processing.

  • To keep a careful watch and eliminate bad workmanship.

  • To ensure efficient use of site space for storing various items like stone, aggregate, sand, brick and cement.

  • To arrange the store in such a way that the material is easily accessible for construction job.

  • To avoid overlapping of any kind.

  • To see that there is proper passage for the movement of trucks, plant machinery, other equipment and workers.

  • To eliminate wastages on unnecessary transport cost by arranging proper storage of material.

  • To adopt proper accounting. It is always preferable to receive building material in stacks instead of in truckloads. This method helps in counting and checking.

  • To avoid excess consumption and frequent rejection. Bad workmanship consumes excess material. For example, faulty concrete mix results in rejection of the lot. The material used in such mix is wasted leading to increase in cost construction.