Important stages of Material Management

Registration of reliable suppliers and manufactures

It is necessary to maintain a list of reliable and reputed suppliers and manufactures of the various construction materials. Such a list facilitates to make enquiries about the price, stock, quality of the material, whenever needed.


Before starting the actual construction work, it is necessary to calculate the exact quantities of the various materials required and the period over which it is required. It can be done with the help of a schedule of quantities along with specifications.

Phasing the supply schedule

Suitable quantity materials in required quantities are to be made available at appropriate time for completing the construction work on or before the schedule date. Uncontrolled and excessive supply of material may cause losses due to theft and wastage. It may also cause locking up of finance and payments on account of unnecessary interest on such funds. It is necessary to co-ordinate the requirement and supply of material for avoiding the delays in construction work. Supply of material must have a definite schedule and time table.

Fixing the Priorities

There should be a sufficient margin of time for proper and effective supply of construction material from the date of ordering the material according to schedule. Priorities should be fixed well in advance in order to complete purchase formalities. It is also necessary to fix up the sequence of supplying of various construction materials based on time schedule.

Starting Purchase Formalities

According to priority, tenders for the supply of the required construction materials are invited. Interested parties are requested to send samples of the materials they are able to supply. Samples are inspected in the presence of tenders and rates of supplies are also finalised. As far as possible, the lowest tenders are accepted.

Placing Orders

Orders for the supply of materials are given as per phased requirements. It is also seen that the schedule of suppliers is kept in accordance with the requirement of the material. The order must contain exact quantity, quality, specification and the rates which are to be adhered to while preparing the final bills. It must also include the last date of supply and methods of measurement.

Inspection of Materials

It is always beneficial in the interest of the organisation to carry out the inspection before the material is received at the construction site. This method helps to avoid loss due to transportation cost and difference of opinion between the supplier and the purchaser about the quality of the materials. Particularly, in case of material like sand, brick, timber etc. inspection before supply is always useful. In case of machinery and other goods, however, supply order must specify the condition that the acceptance of finished goods will be subject to fulfilment of terms and conditions mentioned in the order.

Acceptance and issue of material

As soon as the material is received at site, necessary entries indicating all the details about the material are taken in the relevant record books. The quantity of construction material like sand, bricks, stone etc. is measured in terms of truck load unit or stacks. The materials like cement, steel, fittings etc. are securely stored and issued for the construction work from time to time according to requirement, only on proper authorisation.

Keeping watch over the supply of material

It is necessary to keep a close watch over the supply of materials for the smooth working of the construction organisation. This certainly helps to eliminate wastage and theft. There should be a proper co-ordination between supply of material and construction schedule. This is possible only if the various quantities required for construction materials are worked out with due care and vigilance.