How to prepare terrace for waterproofing?

Chisel the extra mortar accumulated on the terrace, using a chisel and hammer.

Clean the terrace thoroughly with water.

Add one bag of cement to hundred liters of water. Stir the mixture to get a consistent cement slurry. Spread this slurry on the terrace and allow it to penetrate uniformly over the cleaned surface.

Check the grading of the sand and its silt content before using it for water-proofing.

Check the terrace door level and ensure that enough margin (approximately 15cm) for water-proofing is left from the bottom side.

Check the level marked with red chalk on the parapet wall, all around.

Ensure that the rainwater pipe outlet is bent in the correct position.

Stack well burnt brick bats on the terrace.

Check M.S. tray required for the mixing of mortar.

Ensure that provision for plastic paper/tarpaulin is made to protect the water-proofing from occasional rains.

Soak brick bats in water before use.