What is socketing & How socketing is done?


Socketing is a procedure to grout the cement slurry by pressure into the porous concrete member. For stopping the undetected leakages in toilets, terraces and basement, this method is generally used.

Socketing is done by following procedure.

First clean the surface where socketing is to be done.

Chisel a portion of the porous concrete, but not more than 25 mm (1”).

Place 20 mm (3”/4) metal over the chiseled portion, as a filter media.

Fix 25 mm (1”) G.I. socket over the metal, using rich cement mortar around the socket and metal.

Allow 24 hours for the mortar to settle and the tight fixing of the socket.

Proceed with grouting using a 25 mm (1”) diameter G.I. pipe of length 1.5 to 2.0 m.

Grouting should be done with cement slurry of the required viscosity. For smooth flow, add 1 bag cement to 75 to 100 litres.