Civil Engineering Web Directory: General/Basics/Engineering Ethics

If you are an engineer, here is you need to learn in addition to the technical knwledge. Yep it is about "Engineering Ethics".

APEGBC Professional Practice Guidelines
Full text articles (PDF format) from Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia.

Applied Ethics in Professional Practice
Case studies and guidelines of engineering ethics.

Engineering Ethics: The Professional Challenge
A few civil engineering ethics cases of geotechnics, wastewater treatment and HVAC for undergraduate education.

Design Failure Lessons
Some case studies.

Engineering Disasters: Learning from Failure
The role of the engineer is to respond to a need by building or creating something along a certain set of guidelines (or specifications) which performs a given function.

Engineering Ethics
Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science.

Engineering Ethics
This class web page contains many online articles and case studies.

Engineering Ethics Homepage
A web site dedicated to the dissemination of engineering ethics case studies and supporting resources for students and faculty of the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Virginia

Engineering Ethics Module
From Murdough Center for Engineering Professionalism.

Engineering Law and Ethics
Class web site of Mississippi State University.

Exponent's civil, structural, and architectural engineering
Investigates structural, geotechnical, geological, geomechanical, construction, and building issues.

List of Some Engineering Successes and Failures
Selected for Engineering courses.

NSPE Board of Ethical Review Cases
Contains hundreds of cases. Each of them includes facts, question, reference and discussion.

National Engineers Week
The goal of program is to increase public awareness and appreciation of the engineering profession. The site has extensive information on engineering education.

The Ethics Connection
The web site of Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University. Onlinemagazine covers a variety of issues on engineerng and technology ethics.

Tomorrow's Professor Listserv
Discussion board on book "Tomorrow's Professor: Preparing for Academic Careers in Science and Engineering".

Technical Articles

A paper on a profession's code of ethics.

Beyond the Textbook
There's more to engineering than formulas.

CEE Designers and The Problem, The Other Problem and The Other Problem, a Polemic
Presentation by Ralph Gareth Gray at CEE New Millennium Colloquium.

Code of Ethics
From ASCE.

Complete Guide to Ethics Management: An Ethics Toolkit for Managers
A free online book on business ethics.

Conflicts of Interest in the Professions
One of issues of Perspectives of the Professions.

Engineering, Ethics and the New Millennium
An article written by John Katrakis J. T. Katrakis & Associates.

Establishing Your Absence
An article on time management for scientists and engineers.

How can I be more Ethical?
Article by Michael J. Rabins, Mark Holtzapple and Lee L. Lowery at Texas A&M University.

NSPE Engineering Ethics Page
Engineer's creed, code of ethics for engineers and reference guide.

On Being A Scientist: Responsible Conduct in Research
A guidance on research ethics.

Why care about Ethics?
Article by Michael J. Rabins, Mark Holtzapple and Lee L. Lowery at Texas A&M University.