Portable lamps are lights (or lamps) that can be picked up, moved and plugged in wherever there is an electrical outlet. Floor lamps, Torchieres and Table lamps are considered portable lamps. Many rooms and areas in your home will need light in certain areas for tasks such as homework, reading in a chair or reading in bed - more than a chandelier or other light fixtures can provide.  That’s where portables are important as they can provide the needed light for those activities.

 Floor Lamps Definition:  A Floor Lamp is a tall lamp with one or more bulbs, that is designed to stand on the floor. Floor lamps are part of a larger group called portables. Table Lamps Definition:  A table lamp is a portable light with one or more bulbs designed to stand freely on a table.Table lamps are one of three lighting options under the category of portable lamps.

Torchiere Definition:  Torchiere is a tall floor lamp with a bowl-shaped glass that directs the light upwards and diffuses the light from the sides. Torchiere (or Torchère) is derived from the French word 'torche', which means 'torch'.  A Torchiere is like a tall torch that points the light straight up but also provides a gentle illumination to the sides.  Torchieres are also, part of the portables.

A Torchiere, with a bowl-shaped, glass shade diffusing the light upwards and to the sides.


Floor lamps and Torchieres Styles: Floor lamps come in a tremendous variety of styles with beautiful variations in finish, shades and materials.  From sleek and modern to simple classic brass or glass, to more ornate styles.nd Kichler has a tremendous selection of  Torchieres are also available in a large variey of styles like modern, traditional, Tiffany and Art Glass.

Bent metal floor lamps

Table Lamps Styles: There are many styles of table lamps available - from simple, sleek lamp bases to more intricate designs to bold colors and even figures built into the design. In addition to the wide variety of lamp bases, there are several options for lamp shades like simple cone shapes to squares, bell shapes and more in linen, fabrics, satin or glass. 


Floor Lamps Usage:  Floor lamps are a great source of general illumination and as such can really help light up dark corners and larger rooms.  Floor lamps can also act as an under layer of light, creating task lighting right where you need it, like next to your favorite reading chair or a floor lamp casting light down onto your desk.  Moreover, floor lamps can be moved right where you need them.

A floor lamp next to a sofa is good for reading

Torchiere Usage:  In tochieres, since the light is directed upwards, you never have to worry about glare.  In addition, you can use higher wattage bulbs so you can light up a larger area with just one lamp.  Because of this, torchieres are a great source of general lighting and also have the advantage that you can place them wherever you have a dark spot.  Torchieres can work well and look great in the living room, den, bedroom and the family room.

 A torchiere looks beautiful and diffuses the light upwards

Table Lamps Usage:  Table lamps not only provide illumination, the attractiveness of the lamps makes them key design elements as well. Table lamps provide task lighting near a desk or next to your favorite reading chair.  They also provide general illumination to fill in dark areas where your overhead lighting may not reach.  Table lamps also make great accent pieces and can be used as accent lighting for key design features in your home.


When selecting the Portable Lamps - Floor Lamps, Torchieres or Table Lamps for your house keep these dimensions in mind. 

· The bottom of the lampshade should be approximately 42 inches from the floor’s surface.  

· Desk lamps should be 16 inches above the work surface and 13 inches from the front of a desk.

· Torchieres, used to light dark corners, can be from 66 to 72 inches from the floor.