Estimation and Costing - Important Questions

Unit 1:

·                     Define Estimating? Method of Estimation? Explain with examples?

·                     What are Detailed Estimate and Abstract Estimate? List out Types of Estimation?

·                     Give the area co-efficient required for Painting of wood work in the preparation of detailed estimate?

·                     Give the % of steel used for RCC Item of work for Column footings, Columns, Plinth Beam, and Roof Slab in the preparation of detailed estimate?

·                     Write short notes on a) Plinth Area Estimate, b). Revised Estimate, c), Supplementary Estimate, and d) Actual or Complete Estimate

·                     List out main items of work of a building with unit of measurement?

·                     List out the common L.S. provisions required for a Building?

·                     List and explain any eight general items of work involved in the estimation for a building along with the process of calculations.

·                     “An estimate is never the actual cost of work" justify your answer with a suitable example

·                     Enumerate different methods for estimating building works along with a suitable example
·                     Explain the following general items of work involved in the estimation for a building and its process calculation.
(a) Earthwork excavation for foundation trenches
(b) Earthwork in filling
(c) Cement or lime concrete in foundation
(d) Damp proof course

·                     Write down unit of measurement, unit rate of payment and mode of measurement for the following general items of work.
(a) Rain-water, Vent, Waste pipes etc.
(b) Ventilating cowls.
(c) Surface drains.
(d) Sanitary fittings.
(e) Glass-panes.
(f) Broken glass coping.

·                     List out limits of measurement and degrees of accuracy in estimating.

Unit 2:

·                     Prepare a preliminary estimate for a framed four storied office building having a carpet area of 250 sq m for each floor. Assume areas occupied by corridor, verandah, lavatories, staircase etc as 25% of built up area and that occupied by walls and columns as 8.5% of the same. The following details may be used for estimation
(a) Built-up area rate for ground floor (excluding foundation) = Rs1,500/- per sqm
(b) Built-up area rate for 1st and 2nd floor = Rs1,650/- per sq m
(c) Built-up area rate for 3rd floor = Rs1,800/- per sq m
(d) Extra for foundation = 20% of superstructure cost
(e) Extra for special architectural treatment = 1% of building cost
(f) Extra for water supply and sanitary = 7
(g) Extra for electrical installation = 8% of building cost
(h) Extra for contingencies = 4% of overall cost
(i) Extra for work charge establishment = 10
(j) Extra for other source = 5% of building cost.

Unit 3:

·                     The formation width of a road embankment is 9.0m. The side slopes are 2.5:1. The depths along the center line of road at 50.0m intervals are 1.2,1.1,1.4,1.2,0.9,1.5 and 1.0.m. It is required to calculate the quantity of earthwork by
(a) Prismoidal rule.
(b) Trapezoidal rule.

·                     Estimate the cost of earthwork for laying of road for 400m length from the following data. Formation width of the road is 10meter. Side slopes are 2:1 in banking 1:1 in cutting.
Station Distance in meter RL of ground RL of formation
25 1000 51.00 55.00
26 1040 50.00
27 1080 50.50
28 1120 50.80
29 1160 50.60 Downward gradient of 1 in 250
30 1200 50.70
31 1240 51.20
32 1280 51.40
33 1320 51.30
34 1360 51.00
35 1400 50.60

·                     Calculate the quantity of each work for 200m length for a portion of a road in an uniform ground the heights of bank at the two ends being 1.00m and 1.60m. The formation width is 1.0 m and side slopes 2:1 (H:V). Assume that there is no transverse slope. Use the following methods and justify which method is good.
(a) Prismoidal formula and
(b) Mean - sectional area method

Unit 4:

·                     Explain Analysis of Rates? Factors affecting rate of an item of work? Give different heads used in Analysis of Rates.

·                     Describe the procedure for the calculation of rate per unit cum of cement concrete 1:2:4 with stone ballast 40 mm

·                     Describe the procedure for the calculation of rate per unit sq.m of the following items
(a) White washing three coats.
(b) White washing two coats.

·                     Describe the procedure for the calculation of rate per unit cu.m of RCC work in beams, slabs etc., 1:2:4 work excluding steel but including centering, shuttering, bending and binding.

·                     Describe the procedure for the calculation of rate per unit cu.m of Random Rubble stone masonary in foundation and plinth.

Unit 5:

·                     Define reinforcement? List and explain various types of reinforcement?

·                     What do you mean by development of length of reinforcement?

·                     What do you mean by lap length, explain with suitable sketches

·                     What are the cover rules to be followed in RCC.

·                     Draw reinforcement details along with curtailment lengths in the following slabs.
(a) Simply supported.
(b) Continuous over several spans.

·                     Differentiate between development length in tension and compression.

Unit 6:

·                     Distinguish Contractor and Contract? Types of Contract? Explain?

·                     What do you understand about Contract Document?

·                     Write a short note on the following with respect to contract document.
(a) Security deposit.
(b) Retention money.

·                     Write a short note on the following:
(a) Informal tender.
(b) Sale of tender papers.
(c) Unbalanced tender.

·                     Explain the following
(a) Market rate.
(b) Work-charged establishment.
(c) Lump-sum

·                     Differentiate between Security deposit and Retention money.

·                     Elaborate earnest money along with its necessary

·                     Write a short note on the following:
(a) Time limits for tender notice
(b) Sale of tender papers.
(c) Global tender

Unit 7:

·                     What do you understand about Valuation? Explain?

·                     Explain the following method of valuation of a building along with an example.
a.                 Valuation based on profit
b.                Depreciation method of valuation.

·                     A colonizer intends to purchase a land of 100,000 sq m area located in the suburb of a big city to develop it into plots of 700 sq.m each after providing necessary roads and parks and other amenities. The current sale price of small plots in the Neighbourhood is Rs.25.00 per sq.m. The colonizer wants a net prot of 25%. Work out the maximum price of the land at which the colonizer may purchase the land

·                     A building is situated by the side of a main road of Hyderabad city on a land of 600 sq.m. The built up portion in 22m x 17m. The building is first class type and provided with water supply, sanitary and electric fittings, and the age of the building is 30 years. Workout the valuation of the property. Assume plinth area rate is Rs.200.00 and cost of land as Rs.6000 per sq.m.

·                     Explain the following method of valuation of a building along with an example.
(a) Rental method of valuation
(b) Direct comparison with the capital value.

Unit 8:

·                     List and explain standard speciations of a first class building.

·                     Give the detailed specifications of the following items of works.
(a) Colour washing
(b) Lime concrete in foundation.

·                     Give the detailed specifications of the following items of works.
(a) Cast iron water pipes
(b) Mangalore tiled roof.

·                     Give the detailed specifications of the following items of works.
(a) Earthwork in excavation in foundation
(b) Random rubble stone masonry.