An earth road is one
whose foundations and wearing surface are composed of natural soil, available
along the alignment of the road. These are most used in the country. In india,
earth roads are called kachcha roads. They are cheap, easy in construction and
maintenance. They provide a link between villages, a village with district
roads or railway station. These are fair weather roads. They become muddy in
rainy season and dusty in dry weather. They are suitable for iron wheeled
These roads are of two
Ordinary earth roads
constructed from local materials and
Stabilized earth roads.
The stabilized earth
roads are better in wearing conditions. They afford less resistance and give
neat appearance.
of Earth Roads
First stage is
preparation of formation. All the grass and weeds should be removed from the
site. These roads may be taken through flat country, in cutting or in
embankment as the case may be. The formation level should be kept higher than
that of the surrounding land for easy
drainage. The width of formation varies from 6m to 9m.
The sub-grade is given
a camber of 1 in 24 and the surface rolled and watered. Sheep foot rollers are
used. The surface is then watered for 4 to 5 days for curing and no traffic is
allowed to pass on the road during this period.
These roads require
constant attention and maintenance. Periodic repairs of the pot holes and ruts
is very essential. The ruts and pot holes are filled with earth and compacted by
hand rammers. Side drains should also be maintained properly.
It is a technique aimed
at increasing or maintaining the stability of a soil mass or otherwise
improving its engineering properties.
of stabilization
To increase compressive
strength irrespective of moisture content.
To increase resistance
to softening action of water.
To reduce shrinkage due
to withdrawal of moisture and swelling due to wetting.
To increase shear
strength and resistance to punching.
To increase flexibility
to take the wheel load without deformation and cracking.
of stabilization
The following are the different
method of stabilization.
Mechanical stabilization.
Cement stabilization.
Bituminous stabilization.
Lime stabilization
Chemical stabilization
Complex stabilization
Electrical stabilization