Time Keeper's Time Record

The first step in productivity evaluation is to record payable time. The labour's time account is maintained by the time-keeper, and the basic document used for this purpose is the time-card. A time-card records the daily attendance time of the worker. It contains details of his trade category and possibly, the task in which he is employed. The design of the time-card depends upon the requirements of the information system.

Worker's time-card showing daily attendance data in the form of time-in and time-out, duly completed, is submitted by the time-keeper to the personnel department at specified intervals for making pay-rolls. It is important to remember that the labour force's attendance time record affects every worker at the project site as it forms the basis of wage calculation.

Typical Labour Time Cards ( Card size as per time recording machine specifications )

   Attendance Time-Card                                                                                             Week Ending...

No.                                             Category                                    Name
Work Centre/Dept./Work Package                                                                               Cost Code
                                                      Normal Working Time
For use by Accountant
Normal wages                           Overtime wages                                                        Total                    
Amount payable

Time-card data ensures that a worker is paid exactly what is due to him. Accounting for time and wages has to be accurate and timely so as to avoid human relation problems and any temptation for overpayment or fraud.