Chain and compass traversing


Traverse is figure having more than three sides. Here the traverse was run in clockwise direction.

Instrument required

1.      30 meter metric chain

2.    Tape

3.    Arrows

4.    Ranging rods

5.     Prismatic compass

6.    Plumb bob



1.      The position of stations were fixed as usual.

2.   The compass was centered over the station and fore bearing of line AB and BA of line arrows taken.

3.    The line AB was chained and offsets were taken on either side of AB.

4.    The compass was removed from station A and was centered over the station B.

5.     At station B fore bearing or line of fore bearing and back bearing of AB are taken.

6.    The line BC was chained and offsets were taken on either sides of line BC.

7.     The process was repeated till the traverse was completed.

8.    The bearing were corrected for the local attraction.

9.    All the readings was corrected for traverse in traverse table.