Measurement of a fore bearing and back bearing of a traverse


Bearing of a line is defined as the angle made by the line with zero reference direction and measured in clockwise direction.

Item required

1.      Prismatic compass

2.    Ranging rods



Fore bearing is a line bearing taken in forward direction. Back bearing is a line bearing taken in reverse direction.

1.      First the prismatic compass is set upto at A.

2.    All the temporary adjustment were performed at station A.

3.    Then from station A ranging rod at B is bisects.

4.    The angle a, is measured it is fore bearing of line AB.

5.     Then the prismatic compass is shifted to station B.

6.    Again all the temporary adjustment were performed.

7.     From station B ranging rods at station A was.

8.    The angle between line BA and north is measured. This is angle Q2 it is the back bearing of line AB.

9.    This procedure is repeated for all the station point.