To determine compressive strength of tiles


Load carrying capacity of tiles with the direction of load. The compressive strength is greater than loaded along the grains loaded across the grain.


1.      To observed behavior of sample.

2.    At tiles under gradually compressive force.

3.  Calculate the compressive strength draw the sketch and compress machine.


1.      Specimen of tiles

2.    Compressive machine


Tiles are used for flooring purpose in bath-room, w/c for decoration in kitchen.


1.   The specimen of tiles is placed between the compressive testing machine.

2.    Take a sample of tiles and measure the dimensions.

3.    With the help of dimensions calculate the tile.

4.    Apply the load gradually on the tile.

5.     When cracks are observed on the tile stop the machine and note the measure load or applied load.

6.    Repeat the above procedure for different tiles.


Compressive Testing Machine


1.      There should be no crack in the tile before testing tile.

2.    Appearance of crack on the tile should be observed carefully.

3.    Reading should be taken without doing any mistake.

Observation table

Type of tiles
Size of tile in mm
Cross-sectional area in mm
Load applied in kg
Compressive strength in kg/cm2
Mosac tile
25 x25x2cm
50 cm2
60,000 kg
1200 kg/cm2
Chekar tile
50 cm2
34,500 kg
1690 kg/cm2


1.      Compressive strength of mosaic tiles where P = 6000, A = 50

Compressive strength = P/A = 6000 / 50 = 1200 kg/cm2  = 120 N/mm2

2.    Compressive strength of checkar tiles where P = 84500, A = 50

Compressive strength = P/A = 84500 / 50 = 1690 kg/cm2  = 169 N/mm2


The compressive strength of the tiles are

Mosaic tile = 117.6 N/mm2 = 1200 kg/cm2

Chekar tile = 165.6 N/mm2 = 1690 kg/cm2