This is a single component sulphate and chloride-free liquid which, in a single operation, removes the rust and prevents the steel from further rusting to an extent.

Corrosion of reinforcement steel in RCC members is a very common and serious problem confronting civil engineers. Due to corrosion of steel its volume increases resulting in stresses which are passed on to the encasting concrete and this phenomenon eventually results in cracks. Through these cracks water enters the concrete member causing further corrosion and expansion in volume of the steel resulting in further cracking and spalling of concrete. Steel structures are also considerably weakened by corrosion, particularly on coastal regions. Thus the importance of rust removing and preventing treatment cannot be over-emphasized.


Removal of rust and prevention of further rusting of new/old reinforcement steel, embedded steel, M.S. structures, M.S. shuttering plates and any other M.S. surfaces which is corroded.


Generally rust removing and rust preventing treatments consists of two separate operations. However RUSTICIDE performs both functions in a single operation in mild conditions.

Instructions for use

  • It is used in the ready mixed form as available.

  • In the case of corroded reinforcement steel, M.S. Pipeline, M.S. structures or any other rusted M.S. surface, first remove the loose rust by mechanical means like wire brushing, chipping, hammering etc. depending on the extent of rusting.

  • Using cottonwaste swab, apply sufficient RUSTICIDE solution. Leave it to remain in contact with affected metal surface for at least 15 minutes.

  • After a minimum of twenty four hours remove the freed loose rust particles by simple dusting with dry brush, etc.

  • After the surface totally dries up (say 48 hours later) other additional protective coating like POLYALK FIXOPRIME may be applied, to ensure longer protection.


Application procedure of RUSTICIDE confirms to I.S. 9077-1979 (reaffirmed-1997) Appendix B, Clause 5.3.3


Depends on the extent of rusting and the resultant roughness of the surface. One litre of RUSTICIDE covers about 7 to 8 sq.mts. of fairly smooth M.S. plate surface.


During application direct contact of RUSTICIDE on the skin should be avoided. Use gloves.


20 litre, 5 litre, 1 litre

Shelf life

Twelve months when stored in original closed container.