SUNFLOR METALLIN is permanent concrete hardening, sealing, permeability reducing and dust proofing compound.

It is a single component aqueous solution which when applied to concrete surface penetrates and reacts with the free lime to convert it into a granite-hard substance, like silica, metallic flourides etc. This process provides a hard, dustproof and strong surface from one that otherwise may start dusting and disintegrating.


Application of SUNFLOR METALLIN provides protection against mild attack by injurious solutions such as acid splashing or oil penetration, and any surface oil from concrete floors can be easily removed. Water penetration and absorption are slightly reduced.

Instruction for use

To obtain effective protection, it is necessary that the solution penetrates the concrete and not merely forms a film. The depth of penetration of liquid will be shallow if the first application blocks the pores in the concrete and thus limits the penetration of subsequent treatment. It is therefore, necessary to use diluted material first and progressively increase the concentration in subsequent coats.

  • Clean the surface thoroughly with wire brush, etc.

  • Prepare a dilute solution of 0.5 Kgs. ‘SUNFLOR METALLIN’ in 3.5 Kgs. Water. This quantity is sufficient to give a first coat wash to 10 sq. meters of area. Use a broom or brush, ensuring that the liquid is uniformly absorbed in the entire area.

  • After an interval of 24 hours prepare another solution using 1 Kg. ‘SUNFLOR METALLIN’ in 3 Kg. of water. Apply a second coat of this solution in the manner described above.

  • After another 24 hour interval apply the third wash or coat using 2 Kg. of ‘SUNFLOR METALLIN’ in 2 Kg. of water. For normal protection treatment three coats are usually sufficient.


It is advisable to use rubber gloves etc. while handling SUNFLOR METALLIN. Wash thoroughly with water any part of the body that has come into contact with SUNFLOR METALLIN.


20 kg.

Shelf life

Twelve months when stored in original closed container.