POLYPLUG is a fast setting
hydraulic cement based formulation suitable for plugging leaks in all types of
concrete and masonry surfaces. It is also effective for stopping the flow of
running water.
It is a ready to use product
requiring the addition of water only. It is available as a standard product,
which sets in 12 to 15 minutes or extra fast setting product, which sets in 3
to 5 minutes.
To plug cracks and openings in
concrete and masonry surfaces even in the presence of flowing water. It stops
water seepage at the junctions of walls and floors and is effective even under
hydrostatic pressure. It can be used for anchoring bolts and other inserts in
Inexpensive to use
Formulations set fast
Very simple to use requiring no special skills
Sets under water
Instructions for use
Cracks and openings to be
plugged by cutting out loose materials and then shaping the crack to an
inverted ‘V’. Mix POLYPLUG Powder with requisite quantity of water to produce a
mix of putty like consistency. Mix small quantities only at a time so that
wastage can be avoided. Mix only for one minute. After filling the crack or the
hole keep it damp to ensure fully hydration. Do not re-temper or remix once
mixed materials. In hot weather use ice cold water to extend working time.
Cracks at floor and wall junctions
Clean the
cracks to at least 20mm width and depth. Force the POLYPLUG putty into the
prepared crack with a pointing tool and slick off the surface.
a cove at the junction.
Plugging running water
all cracks properly. If possible relieve excess hydrostatic pressure by
drilling a relief hole at the lowest point (alternatively chiseling can be
done). After mixing, the right time to place the POLYPLUG putty is when the
putty starts feeling slightly warm on the hand. Start filling the crack
speedily from the top. To close the final opening and seal off the stream of
water force the putty into the hole and keep under pressure by hand or trowel
for five minutes or more to ensure that the plug has set.
25 kg bags.
Shelf life
Twelve months when stored in
original closed container.