How can large sized stone slabs be fixed on external facades?

Large-sized stone slab can be fixed on external facades by mixing Polyalk TF in (i) Slurry or bonding mix & (ii) Fixing and bedding mortar Polyalk TF slurry is prepared using 1 part by weight of Polyalk TF and 1 part by weight of cement. Both the ingredients are mixed thoroughly in a mechanical mixer. 
Mixing has to be carried out until the mix of uniform consistency.

Polyalk TF mortar is prepared using :

1 part by weight Polyalk TF.

3 part by weight of ordinary Portland cement.

9 part by weight of Graded Quartz Sand.

The three ingredients taken in the above proportion are mixed together to form a mass of thick pliable dough like consistency. Add as little water as possible.

Method of use

  • Clean the receiving surface of all the loose particles, oil, grease etc.

  • Wet the surface.

  • Prime the back of the tile and receiving surface with 1:1 slurry of Polyalk TF and cement.

  • Spread the Polyalk TF Mortar mix uniformly on the back of the already primed tile. Remove excess material by a notched trowel and press home the tile into position. A 3 mm thick layer is more than adequate.