Material issued to contractor

The departments may have to issue certain items of material to the contractor as per the terms of a contract. The contractor has to specify the material required by him, the place where it is to be delivered and the rate at which the supplies are to be charged. It is the responsibility of the contractor to collect the required construction material and make payment (effecting deduction from the bill). The following form is used for this purpose. On each such form contractor’s signature is obtained in token of having received the material and having accepted the details contained therein.

Division……………….. Agreement No. ……………… Month ………………..

Name of Work ……………………… Date of Supply ……………………………..

Sr. No.
Description of the material
Source of Supply
Unit Rate
Stipulated Place of delivery
Actual  Place of Delivery

Dated                                                                Signature of Officer

Signature of the Contractor                         Supplying the Material

Deduction from the Bill                           Signature : Executive Engineer