Applying principles of engineering to locate source, design means or processes of supplying water through reservoirs, tunnels and pipelines.

Method of Forecasting Future Population

Arithmetical increase method Pn = P + n x a, where P = Present population, Pn = Population after ‘n’ decades, a = Average increase per decade.

Geometrical increase method Pn = P [ 1 + (r/100)]n, where r = Per cent growth per decade. It gives very high rates and is best suited for cities in their initial stages of growth.

Incremental increase method Pn = P + n.a + {n(n+1)/2}.b, where b = Incremental increase per decade.
Graphical method, comparison method.


Surface Source

Lake : Ponds and tanks are smaller lakes. A reservoir if artificially created lake by constructing a dam across the flow of a river or a stream.

Rivers : Rivers are large bodies of flowing water. Stream is a small river. Many streams merge to form a river.

Ground sources


  • Shallow well
  • Deep well

Shallow well

It is the well-formed by tapping the aquifer nearest to ground level. It is less prone for pollution but may contain more dissolved solids.

Infiltration Well

It is one provided nearer to river banks with an idea of getting pure water.

Infiltration Gallery

It is a perforated open jointed tunnel like pipe laid along or across a stream course at shallow depth to tap relatively pure water.