• Vagueness in communication is a major barrier in the way of effective communication.

  • Empty words, phrases, careless omissions, lack of coherence, repetition, failure to clarify implications, poor instruction are the main characters of bad communication. They become a major barrier in the communication.

  • Lack of clarity and precision leads to costly errors and costly corrections.

  • Manager receives different types of directive from superiors and also receives information from subordinates. He has to translate them both ways, i.e. to transmit superiors directives to subordinates and subordinates feelings, thoughts and reaction to superiors. At times, it is not enough to pass on the communication word forward. It must be either put into words appropriate to the framework in which the receiver operates (understands) or else it would involve the risk of bad communication.

  • Transmission: Successive transmission of the message generally becomes decreasingly accurate. In case of oral communication, 30 percent of the information is lost in each transmission. In case of large organisation, it is not possible to rely upon oral communication from one level to another. Even written communication followed by interpretations are sometimes subjected to loss of some meaning in transmission.

  • Inattention: Sometimes carelessness in reading printed matters like notices, bulletins and minutes of meetings is a common feature in many organisations.

  • Non-listening seems to be one of the important drawbacks of human behaviour.

  • Unclarified assumptions overlooked and critical are not communicated can become barrier in the way of effective communication.

Insufficient Time for Adjustment

Some announcements have a vital bearing on the working conditions of subordinates. For example, the declarations about the changes in shift, place, order etc. are very important for them. The subordinates require time to think and understand the full meaning of the message. It is not appropriate to force changes on the workers before they adjust with such changes. This aspect is very important from efficiency point of view.

Distrust of Communicator

Sometimes superior do change messages that follow original communications. They may be the result of illogical decision. This leads to delay in taking actions by the subordinates and act with enthusiasm.

Premature Evaluation

Those who wish to communicate must be listened in unprejudiced fashion before any response is generated otherwise, it becomes a barrier.


Managers must accept that they have to depend on their subordinates for information. There is no guide yet developed that would communicate upwards. Fearing the consequences of the discloser, subordinates sometimes mislead the superiors. This may become an important barrier in the way of communication.

Failure to Communication

Sometimes laziness in transmitting messages becomes a barrier in effective communication. One cannot communicate everything obviously necessary.

Effective communication is a process of meaningful interaction between human beings. It is fundamental for achieving successful co-operation and co-ordination in the organisation.