Any organisation is composed of a hierarchy inter-dependence goals and sub-goals. At the very highest level are the overall objectives or goals of the firm, which is represented by (GI).

Such objectives are broad in scope and provide the organisation long term sense of direction.

The objectives or ends at the second highest level (SG2) are actually the means to the end or objectives at the highest level (GI). The second level objectives are most specific and operational than those at the first level. The analytical process is repeated throughout the hierarchy with lower levels providing means for the accomplishment of the objective or sub-objective for the succeeding higher level. The resulting hierarchy of goals is sometimes called a means-end chain. The mean-end chain represents the mainstream of the organisation’s work from the highest and most abstract level down to the very specific and detailed operational level. Communication is essential in developing the overall plan of the system, in communicating it to individuals at each level and in the day to day operation of the system.