Education increases both knowledge and understanding of the workers while training increases the skill and ability of the workers to perform specific jobs. For overall efficiency in industrial production, suitable training of the workers at different levels is an absolute necessity. To acquire a higher standard of efficiency in production, training is imparted to all concerned right from the unskilled workers to the specialised executive staff. Whenever new techniques and new machines are sued in the production process, workers must be trained for using them in their jobs. Such training schemes are always conducted to keep the staff aware of up-to-date development in the production process. By giving such training, wastage can be minimized and the per unit cost of production can also be reduced to a minimum. The cost of the training can be easily recovered through the day-to-day working. The organisation can earn larger profit and the workers can also get higher wages because of increases productivity.


  • To increase production.

  • To provide superior and advanced skill to the workers.

  • To develop workers for higher performance by using up-to-date knowledge, combined with experience.

  • To create a higher sense of shop-floor responsibility.

  • To give the workers opportunities for promotion to higher posts.

  • To improve workers knowledge, their technical know-how to economical use of resources.

  • To create first line supervisors, as an effective tool of management.

  • To create an atmosphere cordial relations and goodwill among the workers in the organisation.

  • To provide higher wages to the workers as their efficiency in production increases.

  • To teach them to reduce wastages.

  • To build up confidence among the workers, leading to better efficiency.


  • It increases the working efficiency.

  • It reduces wastage at all levels.

  • It increases the life of the plant and machinery because of proper handling by trained workers.

  • Because of higher production, there is an increase in the earning capacity of the workers.

  •  It regulates the working system of an organization.

  • It increases a sense of responsibility among the workers, ultimately reducing the cost of supervision.

  • It reduces absenteeism.

  • It reduces accidents.

  • It increases the labour turnover.

  • It helps in improving the quality and quantity of the product because of increase in skill of the employee.

  • Trained person can use the material economically and reduce the cost of production.

  • Trained workers make only few mistakes.

  • Training improves the relations between the employers and employees.

The following are the categories of the different training programmers:

  • Craftsman training.

  • Supervisors and Foremen’s training.

  • Executive training.


Induction Training

It is the initial training which is provided to the workers on their admission in the organisation. In this type of training, worker gets a clear idea about the products, history of the organisation and rules and regulations of working conditions.

Job Training

In job training, worker gets the knowledge about the respective jobs. He also gets the correct knowledge about handling of the equipments, machinery and materials.

Training for promotion

In this type of training, workers are trained to shoulder new responsibilities, when they are expected to get promotion.

Refresher training

With the passage of time, several methods and instructions are either forgotten or they become out-dated. It is necessary to refresh the knowledge of workers through short-term courses.