Problem in the industrial relations play a significant role in the social and economic life of a country. They can also be expressed as the relations between the employers and employees in the industry. These problems emerge out of employment and they are particularly related to manpower management. Labour is a perishable commodity and cannot be stored. Any loss of labour is loss forever. An employer can afford to wait but a worker cannot withstand the loss because his bargaining capacity is very weak when compared with that of his employer. Such a situation, which always leads to disturbances in the industries, is not helpful to industrial peace and harmony. Good industrial relations are the basic requirement for willing participation of the labour in speedy, efficient and quality production.

Following are the important aspects of industrial relations

·        Employee relations.

·        Labour relations.

·        Public relations.

The basic requirements of peaceful and proper industrial relations are:

·        Proper support from the top management.

·        Adoption of sound policies.

·        Evaluation of the pattern of employee’s actions and their follow-up.

·        Adoption of proper practices.

The following are the important principles concerned with industrial relations:

  • There should be a fair basis for recruitment, selection and placement.

  • There should be equal opportunities for promotion and training, so that the worker can have a chance of improving his standard of living.

  • There should be an active participation of workers and their family members in welfare programmes and provisions of amenities and facilities.

  • Discrimination and discontent among the workers must be avoided and removed quickly and promptly.

  • Rules and regulations must be applied justly, otherwise it spoils the morale and discipline in the organisation.