Causes of poor industrial relations

  • Inadequate wages or low wages structure.
  • Unhealthy working atmosphere and environments.
  • Lack of discipline in the organisations.
  • Lack of skill on the part of supervisors to handle the workers.
  • Mental intertia on the part of the workers and management.
  • Retrenchment, dismissals, lock-outs and strikes.
  • Inter-union rivalries.
  • Uncongenial economic and political environments.
  • Demand for monetary increments.
  • Introduction of automation.
  • Heavy load of work.
  • Inadequate welfare and recreation facilities.
  • Disputes in respect of sharing the profit of the organisation.
  • Unfair labour practices adopted by the management.
  • Lack of training facilities and promotional opportunities for the workers.
  • Policy of discrimination adopted by management.
  • High handedness on the part of management in treating workers.

Conditions of good industrial relations

  • Recognition of the labour force as an equal partner by the management.
  • Payment of fair wages to the employees.
  • Appropriate arrangements to handle and redress the grievances of the employees.
  • Avoidance of political pressure by the workers.
  • Avoidance of unfair labour practices.
  • Avoidance of strike, lock-out, retrenchment and dismissal.
  • Avoidance of inter-union rivalries.
  • Avoidance of indiscipline in the organisation.
  • Introduction of suitable system of education and training to workers.
  • Appropriate and effective communication system and feedback system.
  • Establishment of joint committees for the various matters.
  • Providing proper avenues for further prospects to the workers.