The Important Methods of Inspection And Technical Service Required for Inspection

The Important Methods of Inspection

  • To inspect all the material at source.

  • To remove defective material from the site immediately.

  • To insist on rectification of defects before proceeding on to the next stage.

  • To inspect the work at different stages of construction operations as would be convenient for both the inspectors and workers/supervisors.

  • To inspect all the sanitary and electrical fittings and ascertain whether the supplies are according to the specifications or not, and whether they are of the required quality.

  •  To divide suitably the stages of any work for inspection.

The items on which quality control is necessary

  • The quality of material.
  • Bearing capacity of soil.
  • Design, structural safety, durability and economy in construction work.
  • Specifications of the work as per plan.
  • Testing the strength and performing it in time.

Technical Service Required for Inspection

A variety of construction material is used for the construction work. It is, therefore, necessary to have technical service for quality control.


It is necessary to have well-qualified, trained and experienced inspectors for performing the inspection job efficiently and promptly.

Laboratory and Field Testing Facilities

The testing material requires laboratory facilities. Such facilities must be made available to have the control over the quality of the work performed.

Facilities for Dimensional control and other Measurements

Some works require setting dimensional control. Facilities must be provided for such inspection and control.