• Use small size glasses for drinking water.
  • Leftover water in the glasses should be used for watering the plants. Water used for vegetable, grains should be used for plants.
  • Yesterday’s water is not stale, it is goods for plants.
  • Never open the taps completely open them half or three-fourth.
  • Plastic nozzles on the tap reduces water consumption considerably.
  • Make a habit of a using a mug and bucket for brushing, bathing, washing utensils and cars.
  • Make a habit of utilizing full capacity of a washing machine for every lot. Washing two lots together saves 40% water when semi- automatic washing machines are used. Washing machine wash water can be reused for rinsing dirty clothes, utensils, floors and flushing.
  • Dual type flushing cisterns 5/10 litres to be provided in the toilets or two filled up plastic mineral water bottles should be placed in the existing flushing tank to reduce its capacity.
  • Balconies and common passages can just be swabbed instead of washing them by pouring lot of water.
  • Promptly repair leaking water taps, pipelines, prevent over flowering of tanks. Boll cocks (flow control floats) in tanks are a must or adopt pump with level switch arrangement.
  • Avoid unnecessary paving as it does not allow the water table to recharge.
  • Indigenous plants retain moisture much better.
  • Do no pollute ground water sources.
  • The garden can be watered or cars, staircase and common passages can be cleaned with well water wherever it is available.
  • Use rain water for secondary purpose during monsoon.
  • To maintain ground water table recharge the well/bore wells by rainwater harvesting.

Did you know?

  • When a tap is open for one minute, we waste 12 litres of water. When we throw yesterday’s stored water (say even 2 buckets), we waste 40 litres of water.
  • When we wash our hands with the tap open, we waste 12 litres of water every time.
  • When we brush for 5 minutes with the tap open, we waste 60 litres of water.
  • When we shave with the tap open for 10 minutes we waste 120 litres of water.
  • When we wash a car with flowing pipe water, we waste 150 litres of water.
  • When we bath for 15 minutes with continuous shower on, we waste 180 litres of water.
  • When we bath using bath tub, we waste more than 500 litres of water.
  • Thousands of litres of water are wasted through overflowing tanks of buildings.