• Capacity of underground water tank should be 1.5 times that of the overhead water tank capacity and adhere to the domestic and potable water requirements of the project.
  • If a single underground water tank shall be constructed for the entire project, then it should occupy a central position.
  • This position should preferably in the central garden of the project.
  • Garden can be developed on the top of U.G.W.T.
  • Capacity for domestic as well as potable water can be accommodated in a circular type tank with two partitions.
  • Circular R.C.C. tank is economical compared to the rectangular R.C.C. tank.
  • Height of U.G.W.T. should not exceed 60 cm above road level.
  • Ensure Shahabad water-proofing treatment below the raft and above the P.C.C.
  • Provide a sunken pit as per requirement for foot-valve of the pumping systems.
  • Provide openings for chamber cover and suction pipe in the top slab, as per plumbing consultants drawing.
  • Ensure a complete box type water-proofing from the outside of the U.G.W.T. and smooth finishing water-proofing from inside.
  • Top of U.G.W.T. should be finished with smooth I.P.S. water-proofing.
  • Chharra plaster should be done from outside of U.G.W.T. over rough Shahabad, before back filling.
  • Ensure that the outer and inner compartments for domestic and potable water respectively, are watertight.
  • Construct the U.G.W.T. preferably in the summer, to avoid de-watering and other expenses of excavation, where water table is at higher level.