The centering is sound, leak proof, in line, level, & lubricated, slab depth chairs in place,   fit for concreting
-       The bar bending is as per drawings, required cover has been maintained, all bars/rings are in their planned position and have not shifted.
-       Engineer of R.C.C Consultants or his nominee Engr.___________________
-       Has visited the site and given the go ahead on_________________ and his signature has been taken in the Structural Engineer's visit book.
-       All changes recommended by Consultants or his nominees have been implemented.
-       Electrical and other conduits have been properly placed in accordance with ACM. No conduits pass through columns or toilets sunk.
-       Consumables / materials/ equipment /scaffolding/safety equipment/lights/ walkways on slab/ etc. needed for concreting are on site & are of the right quantity and quality.

__________________            __________________            __________________
Construction Manager              Project Manager                         GM (Exec)

Note : 1.  This form will not take  more than 03 (three) minutes to fill  
            2. If you are concreting more than one member please put serial numbers      


1.     As per Pour Card on reverse, casting was done from_____________hrs to
___________hrs. on ______________________date.

2. The cu mt quantity was_______________________

3.  The brand of cement used was_____________________________________

4.  The no. of bags consumed were__________________________

5.   The yield / cu mt is ____________________________

6.   The no. of vibrators used were _________________________and needle diameter was_______________________

7.  The water cement ratio was_______________________[ on average in lit. / bag ]

8. The Construction Professionals present on site during the entire casting were1)__________________________2)__________________________
3)_________________________________4)_____________________________ 5)_______________________________________________________

9.  Were lights required? Y                   N                  .           

10. Were they provided? Y                    N                 .

11. If not, why? __________________________________________________________________  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. Any remarks ____________________________________________________

13.  Any learning's for next time? __________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

_________________            __________________           __________________
Lab Tech/Supervisor        Asst. Construction Manager      Construction Manager

Note :   This form will not take  more than 03 (three) minutes to fill