Laitance is a thin layer of cement paste with finer fines of fine aggregates, which has no strength and is a pathway for corrosion of the column.

No fresh concrete be laid, without laitance removal.

It can be easily removed with a wire brush.


Members like footing top, pedestals, and columns should have a bond key.

The bond key guarantees an excellent connection between an old and fresh concrete.

The bond key should have a size of 100 mm x 100 mm and 150 mm depth.

Concrete structure can disintegrate if

a)  concrete is porous due to high water cement ratio

b)  concrete has honeycombs due to inadequate vibration and segregation

c)  Improper cold joint if the joint is concreted after the concrete exceeds the setting time.

d) Poor construction joint if the end stopper is not properly designed.

e) Inadequate concrete cover to the reinforcement.

Properties of good concrete.

a) Concrete should be cohesive satisfy 'laddoo' test.

b) Concrete should be workable easy for the labours to work upon.

c) Concrete should satisfy strength parameters as decided by the Structural Engineer.

d) Concrete should be durable depending on the zone of exposure and the structure life expectancy.


It is the technique of CHOOSING (No longer fixed)

The most ECONOMIC proportions (cost important)

Of available materials (No longer specified)

(Cement, Water, Fine aggregates, coarse aggregates, and Admixtures)

To obtain a                  (1) COHESIVE concrete        FA: CA         Ratio

Of the required           (2) WORKABILITY                A/C               Ratio

And the specified        (3) STRENGTH                      W/C              Ratio

And the desired          (4) DURABILITY                  W/C                Ratio