As per the Nagpur Pl, the roads are classified as
i) National highways
ii) State highways
iii) District highways
a) major district roads
b) minor district roads

      iv) village roads

NECESSARY OF CLASSIFYING ROADS:- To plan a road network for efficient and safe traffic operation , and for knowing the clear information of a particular root in a country, the classification of roads is necessary.

a. NATIONAL HIGHWAYS:- These are the important roads of the country. They connect state capitals, ports and foreign highways. They also include roads of military importance. They are financed by the central government.

b. STATE HIGHWAYS :- these are the important roads of a state. They connect important cities and district head quarters in the state , national highways & state highways of neighbouring states. They are financed by state government roads and buildings department of the state government constructs & maintain these roads.

c. DISTRICT ROADS :- these are the roads within a district . they are financed by zillaparishads with the help of grants given by state government.

d. THE MAJOR DISTRICT ROADS:- They are roads connecting district head

e. quarters, taluk head quarters and other important town in the district production and market centers with each other and with state & national highways & railways.

f. OTHER DISTRICT ROADS :- They are district roads of less importance

g. VILLAGE ROADS:- they connect villages with each other and to the nearest district road. They are financed by panchayats with the help of zillaparishads and state government.