Secured advance ,Advance payment And Item rate contract

Give the meaning and situation where the following payments are made to the contractor.

Secured advance

Advance payment


Secured advance

This is an advance made on the security of material brought to site of work, to a contractor whose contract is for completed item of work. These material should be of imperishable nature and an indenture in form-31 is to be signed by the contractor before an advance, not exceeding 75% of the assessed value, can be sanctioned by the divisional officer. Detailed account of advance is kept in form 26-A and is attached to the R/A Bill. NO record is kept in M.B. of the quantities of material. The certification printed on Form 26-A are however to be signed by SDO/DO. As the material is consumed in work and measured for payment, the recovery is effected through RA Bills.

Advance payment

Such payment is made on a running account to contractor for work done by them but not measured certificate to printed R/A Bill is to be signed by SDO. The lump Sum amount to be paid on account of the several items is specified against item 2 of part III of the bill. The advance is adjusted through subsequent bill in which the actual measurement have been taken.

Give the meaning of item rate contract and state any four advantages and four disadvantages of it.


In this contract, the contractor undertakes to execute work on approved scheduled rates of each item of work plus the premium quotes in the tender. As the contractor is required to quote rate for each item, so it is called item rate contract.


There is no need for detailed drawing and time of allotting the content. Detailed drawings are prepared after the contract is awarded.

The changes in the drawings and quantities of item can be adopted later on as per the need be, since the rates are given item wise and it will not affect the content materially.

The payment to the contractor is made on the actual work done by him at the agreed rates.

Bill of quantities which forms a part of the content documents helps the contractor to keep the tendered sum as low as possible, because every contractor has to access the amount of work involved prior to submitting the tender and in the absence of bill of quantities, he is borned to quote high rates in tender.


Total cost of work is known after the completion of work. The owner may be put in financial difficulty of the actual cost increases.

Both the owner and the contractor have to keep account of all item on the work progresses, so have to appoint staff for keeping account and the record the measurement of work done.

Since the rates are quoted, whatever is the additional saving in the construction, is the extra profit of the contractor so he has a tendency to save good quality of material thereby inferior quality material may be used in construction if one is not cautious.

The extra items are after a source of trouble as the contractor presses for higher rates than already tendered.