question & ans. on Earnest money & Arbitration

Give the meaning and purpose of the following

Earnest money


Earnest money

It is the amount collected from the contractors along with the tender form and is usually between 1% to 2% of the total estimated cost of the work and is kept with the owner until the contract is allotted.

Purpose of collecting the earnest money.

The earnest money collection makes it possible to refrain contractors in financial crisis or un-interested contractors from filling the tender. Hence, less competition between contraction.

The owner reserves a right to restore the money if he finds that the rates quoted are either too low or too high thus making it an unbalanced tender.

The owner can confiscate the earnest money if on opening of the tender the contractor refuses to accept the tender.


It is a process in which parties under a contract having disputes settle them judicially by resorting to an impartial person or committee of experts without approaching the court of law.

Purpose of Arbitration

Court delays are a frequent tradition and hence arbitration facilitates quick results.

Legal formalities, technicalities can be avoided.

The proceeding can be conducted in private.

Expert and sound judgement can be achieved for various technical and skillful problems.

It can be conveniently carry out at any place suitable to both the parties.

The parties are benefited by reduction in cost also.