question & ans. on administrative approval, Sub-letting, secured advance, Muster roll, Item Rate Contract

Explain administrative approval.

administrative approval.
The proposal which includes preliminary drawing (such as site plan, layout plan etc.) approximate estimates, outline specifications etc. is then submitted to the proper authority of the departments requiring the work for obtaining the concurrence of that department. If the authorities of the public work department have recommended that the proposals are sound and that the preliminary estimate is reasonable, the proposals are approved by the competent authority of the concerned department. This formal acceptance which is in effect in order to the public works department to execute the specified work is called administrative approval.

Explain what is Sub-letting and when a contractor is allowed to sub-let.

Sub-letting means the letting by the main contractor to another work he has himself contracted to perform. Such transfer of the whole or part of the contract, is in general inadvisable and the conditions of contract generally prohibit it or allow if subject to the owner’s approval.

There are some circumstances under which it may be desirable for the owner to allow subletting to contractor-

Sub-letting of the part of the work to a specialist firm. Which is the better position to carry out the same than the general contractor.

Sickness of the contractor.

Death os some of his key personnel.

Financial difficulties of the contractor.

Strained relationship between the labour and the contractor preventing smooth performance of the job.

Write a short note on secured advance.

Secured advance
Secured advance means an advance payment made on the security of materials brought by the contractor to the side of work, when the contract is for the completed items of work. Secured advance may be allowed by the Divisional Engineer in the interest of work up to the amount not exceeding 75% of the value of the materials brought to the site of work provided that they are of imperishable nature. An agreement in form 31 shall have to be signed by the contractor under which the department possesses right on the materials.

In this case, lime, sand, surkhi, kankar etc. are considered as perishable materials and no advance is permissible for coal also no advance is permissible.

Write how you will enter the part I of muster roll.

Muster roll
On the front page of outer sheet of muster roll, detailed instruction as how to maintain the muster is given. Additional information shown it includes month, name of the work, head and sub-head account, sub division and division by which it is maintained etc. The inner part of the outer sheet and inner sheets show the details of labour employed, total cost of labour and passing orders of the officer there to. By reading above things mentioned in the muster, one can enter part I of muster roll.

Write short note on Item Rate Contract giving Advantages and Disadvantages.

An item rate contract has the following advantages.
The owner can avoid the delay would be necessary in making a large number of contract drawing to show in details everything that would be needed as in case of lump-sum contract. The detailed drawing can be prepared after the contract is awarded but sufficiently in advance to enable the contractor to secure all information in time.

This type of contract allows within limits variations in the quantities of different items. Thus, what the owner pays to the contractor is the actual cost of the work at the agreed rates. This arrangement is fair to both the parties.

Both the owner and the contractor have to do considerable computation and book-keeping during the progress of the work. Both the parties are required to appoint steps to record the measurements staffs of the work done.

The extra items are often a source of trouble. The contractor invariably presses for higher rates than he would have tendered in the beginning and in most of the cases the owner has to meet his demand to some extent at a slight increase in the cost.