Basic idea about building project.

Wall is an important aspect of construction. Any type of house can be protected by wall and roof from Air, cyclone, sound, temperature, rain, dampness, light etc. And wall is also protect house from theft so that human can live peacefully.

Rocks and bricks are used from ancient times of human history. Natural rocks and bricks are used in construction from centuries. Different types of wall and roof make houses, church, palace made by human civilization.

In todays modern world new types of wall and RCC construction play an important role in construction industry.

Load bearing structure
Framed structure
1.      The main component of such building are walls.
The main component of such buildings are beams, columns, slab etc.
2.    Walls are of stone or brick masonry and load bearing type.
Walls are of bricks or conc. Blocks and are non load bearing type.
3.    Walls transfer the load of super structure to the foundation.
Load is transferred to foundation through columns.
4.    Wall are provided footing for them.
Columns are provided footing.
5.     Before casting the roof wall provided.
Walls are constructed after slab.
6.    Single or double storied building is possible.
Multistoried or sky skrapper building is possible.
7.     These are construction with masonry only.
In this material used in RCC

In building construction there are two of category



Residential building

Govt. buildings
Residential complex
Shopping malls
Low rate houses

Commercial building

Private organisation
Education and school buildings etc.
Govt. offices
Club houses
Industrial complexes, godown, halls etc.

When client go to the architect for the commercial/residential project then project going to start by architecture drawing. For that city survey map or village map with detail plot of the client is shown to the architect. After that city surveyor officer visit the client plot and take the survey with plot location, boundaries of plot is marked, layout drawing of that plot is marked. Plot strata is checked by taking pit of a plot. After the plot strata report architect design the building, then the layout plan is prepared with help of countour map drawning with the help of theodolite for the design of building, parking flooring and building flooring, drainage line, septic tank. If there is a sloping plot then retaining wall is constructed so that drainage line can be marked to drain waste water to the soak pit or gutter.

After the layout plan architect prepare building drawing. For the coming project this drawing shown to the client in that drawing temporary sheds, office, store etc. shown. Then the layout plan is approved by client. Architect given rough idea to the client about project cost then the working drawing of the building is prepared. For the structural design the structural engineer is appointed. He worked out the architectural drawing and design the structural drawing. He also give the rough idea of cost about the structure. Nowdays this drawing is prepared by computer.

This kind of project is completed within time bar with different farm of the construction like architecture farm, RCC designer farm, plumbing contractor, electrical contractor, waterproofing contractor, landscape designer etc.

Any big construction project has lots of construction activity. This vast activity needs administration to control so that project can smoothly run within budget and time. Therefor management team required to manage all activities in construction. Construction director is chief officer in any project. Under his supervision chief engg, asst engg, junior engg, billing engg, estimator, quality control engg etc. worked. Store is under storekeeper he take care of all the materials which play vital role in construction. Supervisor supervise the construction activity as per engg instruction. He also supervise the daily activity of site and give the detail report to the junior engg so that junior engg give prepare daily progress report and with this report management can get the idea about progress of project.