Construction task forces

These are responsible for transforming inputs into outputs. The construction task forces of the typical Housing Project, as is evident from site its organizational chart, include the following:

a.     Building structure construction task force.

b.     Precast building production and erection task force.

c.      Building finishes construction task force.

d.     External services construction task force.

A construction task force consists of one or more work centers. A work center is entrusted with the execution of a group of activities constituting one or more work packages.

A task force generally operates without much interference from the other executing agencies. It is an independent and significant unit of project organization. It is fully supported with design and drawing packages, construction plan and allocated resources. It has a specified scope of work and assigned performance objectives.

The project direct manpower is divided into several construction teams, with each having a clearly defined task assigned to it. These teams possess the skill to perform their respective tasks. They are formal groups with informal bondage, where each person understands the needs of the other. The strength of a construction team depends upon the nature of the task, it may range from 2 to 30.

Each team consists of a predetermined category of tradesmen, skilled and unskilled. It is headed by a team leader, who may be an engineer, a forman, a change-hand, a labour subcontractor or even an experienced skilled worker.

Some example of these teams, also called crew or gangs, are brick-layers team, steel-fixers team, concretor team, plasters team, tillers team, painters team, plumbers team, electricians team, and so on.

The construction teams are combined together to form various work-groups. Each work-group is entrusted with the task of executing one or more work packages. Depending upon the volume of work, each work group consists of one or more construction teams. Each team is headed by a supervisor who may be a charge-hand, foreman or a labour subcontractor.

Support centers

These centers provide construction centers with technical support materials, manpower, equipment and general services like accommodation and temporary utility services. Some of these centers contain capital-intensive machinery, and are self-supporting divisions. Examples of such investment-oriented centers are; ready-mix concrete production plant, steel reinforcement fabrication workshop, GRC elements manufacturing factory, metallic doors and windows fabrication unit, and plant and machinery operation and maintenance establishment.

Support center manpower is a mix of direct and indirect supportcenters.