Materials Issues and Returns Accounting

The construction materials are obtained by the construction supervisors from the project control stores, or the materials are directly delivered at the place of work.In both cases, the construction supervisors, on behalf of the construction manager, sends a materials requisition note for the materials required by him to the project central store. The specimen of this note issues these materials. In case of non-availability of materials in the project central store, the store in-charge passes this note to the materials controller for procurement and delivery at the central stores or at the place of work.

Typical Materials Requisition and Issue Control

Materials Requisition and Issue Note

Name                              Responsibility Centre                                  Centre code
Description                    Work Package/Activity              Code       
S. No.

      Indenting Supervisor                                      Issuing Storekeeper

      Date and Signature                                         Date and Signature

If the materials are delivered directly at the construction site, a good received not (GRN) is signed by the site supervisor receiving the materials, and the GRN duly signed is sent by him to the project materials controller for accounting and payment through the accounting department.
Generally, there is a tendency on the part of the site supervisors to demand more materials than required for avoiding the risk of shortage at the time of execution. The surplus materials are eventually either returned along with the materials return note specimen shown in Table or they get wasted at the site.

Typical Materials Return Control

Materials Return Note

Name                             Responsibility Centre                  Centre Code
S. No.
Item Code

      Indenting Supervisor                                   Issuing Storekeeper

      Date and Signature                                         Date and Signature