Project Categories

Broadly, the major construction project can be grouped into ‘Building Construction’, ‘Infrastructure Construction’, ‘Industrial Construction’ and ‘Special-purpose projects’

Building construction

Building work include residential and commercial  complexes, educational and recreational facilities, hospitals & hotels, warehouse and marketing facilities. ‘Buildings’ constitute the largest segment of construction business. The building business serves mankind by providing shelter and services for its habitation, educational, recreational, social and commercial needs. The building works are mostly designed by the Architect / Engineering firms, and are financed by public and private sector and individuals.

Infrastructure construction

These are capital intensive and heavy-equipment oriented works which involve movement of large quantity of bulk materials like earth, steel and concrete. These works include dams and canals, highways and airports, railways and bridges, oil/gas pipelines and transmission lines, large water supply and sewage disposal networks, dock and harbours, nuclear and thermal power plants, and other specialist construction activities which build-up the infrastructure for the growth of the economy. These works are designed by the specialist engineering firms and are mostly financed by the Government/public sector.

Special-purpose projects

These include environmental works, emergencies, remedial works, installation and commissioning of equipment, and complex key operations.

Project classification

Project classification based on the completion time and value of works, various type of construction projects can be further classified as under:

a.     Project completion time basis

a.     Long duration project (over 10 year)
b.    Medium duration project (3 to 10 year)
c.      Short duration projects (few months to 3 years)
d.    Special short-term projects (less than 1 year)

·        Project value basis

a.     Mega value projects (say over $ 1000 million)
b.    Large value projects ($ 100 million to $ 1000 million)
c.      Medium value projects ($ 10 million to $ 100 million)
d.    Small value project (less than $ 10 million)