Project Life Cycle

Each project has a predetermined duration with a definite beginning and an identifiable end. Its starting point is the time when the idea is conceived by the client, and its end marks the time when the mission is accomplished. The time span between the start and completion of a project represents the project life cycle, which varies from few months to few years.
Although construction projects differ in many ways, the life span of a project follows a similar pattern. After conception there is a gradual build-up in the use of resources, it is followed by a long-duration plateau and towards the end, there is a rapid run-down till completion.

The life cycle of a typical construction project can be broadly divided into the following stages.

a)     Formulation stage This includes:

·        Project idea conception
·        Feasibility studies
·        Investment appraisal
·        Project definition

b)    Mobilization stages This covers preparation of:

·        Project preliminary plan
·        Designs and drawings
·        Specifications and contract finalization
·        Resources mobilization and earmarking funds

c)     Construction stage This includes:

·        Planning and controlling execution
·        Inducting resources
·        Construction and commissioning
·        Final handling over to the client

Although some participants may separate out in one stage, the other move on the next one. The project manager is the key participant in all these stages and acts as a catalyst who motivates the participants for achieving the stage objectives.