Project Management Indirect Costs

Indirect Costs: Functional Breakdown

1.     Client consultant requirements: Manpower, accommodation, furniture and fittings, telephone, stationery, equipment, operating and maintenance, survey equipment, photography, transport, incidental expenses.

2.     Head office expenses: Connected with project work-Planning and co-ordinating, consultancy services, visits, entertainments, bank gurantees, bank service charges, taxes and incidental expenses.

3.     Project office expenses: Accommodation, furniture and fittings, telephone, stationery, equipment, operation and maintenance.

4.     Establishments expenses: Field supervisors, technical staff and workers, materials management staff and workers, plant and machinery management staff and workers, administration staff, workers and managers.

5.     Personnel management costs: Mobilisation and demobilisation, stationery expenses, medical, missing, camp maintenance, personnel carriers, security, amenities and welfare, entertainment, insurances, incidental and protective clothing.

6.     Technical management costs: Designs and drawings, project consultancy, data processing, site laboratory and testing, technical library, sub-contracted workers expenses, site surveying, incentive scheme, tie crashing, formwork, drawing office equipment, after completion maintenance, site clearance.
7.     Materials management costs: Inventory holding costs, site materials handling costs, tradesment tools and minor equipment costs, minor materials costs, losses/wastages costs, load carriers expenses, dumarages/breakages, insurance and demobilisation.

8.     Plant and machinery management: (deduct for costs catered elsewhere)-Mobilisation costs, owning costs, operating costs, fuel/oil/lubricant costs, repairs costs, spare inventory costs, operators and drivers costs, statutory expenses, personnel carriers expenses and demobilisation.

9.     Finance and risk management costs: Bid bond, performance bond, work insurance, social security, contribution, unforeseen fines and penalties, excalation, bank service charges, bank gurantees, local taxes.

10.Temporary work and services: Office accommodation, camp accommodation, external utility services (installations and running expenses), roads and fencing, furniture and fittings, kitechen equipment and utencials, messing and lodging, sign boards and traffic signs, site cleaning and wastages disposal, indirect site works and services and dismentalling and demobilisation.