Project Master Budget

Budget Manual

The project master budget integrates and summarizes the project functional budgets. At times, the master budget is also referred to as the finance budget or profit plan. The project master budget is prepared in the form of a manual. The text of a typical Project budget manual may summarize the following. The detailed working patterns are attached as schedules or appendices with the text:

a)     Project planned objectives

These are stated in physical and financial terms with the plan assumptions and the functional organization of work.

b)    Organization of responsibility centres

It highlights the division of the functional organization into responsibility centres (and their being further split up into work-centres where applicable) with the tasks and resources assigned to each responsibility centre.

c)     Sales revenue budget

It reflects the monthly or quarterly financial targets for the overall project and its breakdown for each production centre and other revenue earning sources.

d)    Production cost budget

It covers the production cost of goods sold, and it can be further split up into direct costs and indirect costs. These costs can be suitably arranged so as to bring out the production cost budget for each responsibility.

e)     Project general and administration expense budget

It represents the overall site office, administration, and head office expense budget, arranged in conformity with the finance heads of accounts and the functional needs.

f)      Budgeted financial forecasts

These include the profit and loss statement, cash flow forecast and forecast balance sheet.