The Project Execution Stages

The Project Execution Stages

Most of the construction projects are executed through the contract system. The contract documents define the contracted scope of the work of each contractor. They also provide the contractual relationship between the construction manager of the contractors and the project manager. The contract agreement is based on mutual trust between the contracting parties, both of whom have their share of responsibilities and obligations. In this process, disagreements sometimes arise. These may be on account of deviations in the scope of work and other factors like time delays, inflation and unforeseen circumstances. Contract provisions do provide a mechanism for the settlement of such disputes through arbitration.
Construction at the site of the contracted projects is supervised and carried out by two separate agencies. These are: the client team led by the project manager, and the contractor workforce managed by his construction manager. Both teams have the common goal of completing the project in time within specified costs and quality specification. However, their roles differ.
It is the project manager who plays the dominant role. He represents the client and acts as the boss at site. He ensures smooth functioning at site and makes decisions when the site faces problems. He manages the entire construction process so as to achieve the assigned project objectives. He manages the contractors employed at site, and the site activities, with the help of his supervisory team that reports to him for decisions. It is he who is accountable to the client for the construction of the project.

The main functions of this constructions supervision team can be outlined as follows.

  1. Scrutinize the contract documents to ensure that all amendments are incorporated into the drawings, specifications and bill of quantities held at site.
  2. Scrutinize the contractor’s plan of work, the mobilization plan, the construction procedures and the quality control measures to ensure that they are in order.
  3. Scrutinize the pre-work preparation of work to ensure a smooth start of construction activities.
  4. Scrutinize the work programmes to ensure that they are realistic, and monitor their progress regularly.
  5. Scrutinize the quality of materials to ensure that they meet the contract specifications and also report any deviations. 
  6.  Scrutinize the geotechnic investigations conducted by the contractor to ensure the adequacy of design parameters. 
  7. Scrutinize the field work regularly to ensure proper layouts, work conformity as per drawings and specifications, and good standards of workmanship. 
  8. Scrutinize the safety measures and working conditions to ensure healthy environments and prevention of accidents. 
  9. Hold review meetings to monitor progress, communicate obervations, resolve problems and plan future works. 
  10. Scrutinize the payment of monthly bills of contractor to ensure correctness. 
  11. Exercise cost control and cost reduction measures. 
  12. Maintain project records, monitor the progress and submit management information reports at the predetermined frequency.
  13. Report immediately to the project manager all cases amounting to breach of contract, non-adherence to specifications, slow progress and lack of co-operation.
  14. Take over the project on completion, as per the contract stipulations.

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