Green buildings will be the future construction

The concept not only benefits the ecology, but also increases the productivity of people in terms of health and happiness.

As soaring demand of energy in India is projected to increase by 2027, there is also a surging demand to raise the energy efficiency of buildings in cities across the country. Awareness for building energy efficiencies in buildings is now showing a perceptible leap. The country has already taken a decisive role in that direction by creating the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) which incorporates efficient technologies, materials and construction techniques into new and removed commercial building structures. To preserve natural resources and reduce environmental wastes, many builders and design professionals have started utilizing green building methods.

Sustainable building

Green Building promotes the efficiency of buildings with regards to the use of water, energy and materials while reducing the building’s impact on individual’s health and the environment through better design, construction, operation, maintenance and removal. Hence, Green building is all about the complete building life cycle, it is also regarded as sustainable building or environmental building.

Safe environment

The term ‘Green Building’ is often used in combination with ‘high-performance building’, ‘sustainable design’ and ‘preserving precious resources’. The concept of green building will set the precedent in the construction industry tomorrow as the world will be more wary on using its limited resources. It not only benefits the ecology, but also and happiness. The concepts of sustainable development and sustainability play an integral part in green buildings. Green buildings help reducing operating costs and increase productivity. They provide a healthy, comfortable and safe environment to reside in.

Key benefits

Efficient technologies: Green buildings incorporate energy and water efficient technologies that are not as readily available in traditional buildings.

Easier maintenance: Green buildings typically involve less maintenance.

  • Improved indoor air quality: With green buildings, the indoor air quality is improved via natural and healthy materials.

  • Energy efficiency: Green building methods make the most out of energy, resources and materials.

Health considerations

A burgeoning population, escalating economic development and internal migration to urban centres from rural areas has resulted in India’s cities facing with numerous environmental problems, which negatively impact the health and well-being of its residents. The increasing scarcity of environmental resources has transformed them into economic goods with people willing to pay more for better environmental quality.

Existing loopholes

Even though India is taking huge steps to make the country a healthier place to live in, there are some loopholes to be filled. Ways by which the ‘Green building’ concept can be enhanced is by creating incentives for builders to make energy efficiency investments in new construction – by offering property tax rebates, creation of special economic zones, increasing floor space index and expediting permit processes – in order to encourage widespread adoption of energy efficiency practices.