Precautions are needed to be taken when the work is decided to be undertaken departmentally.

  • When the project is run by a department, proper planning is required for procuring construction material, machinery and manpower.

  • There should be sufficient provision of spare parts to run repair shops for construction machinery and vehicles.

  • A continuous check is required to be kept during the period of project work.

  • Highly experienced engineers are asked to look after such heavy construction projects. Once such projects are started it cannot be stopped half way. They are supposed to visualize all possible bottlenecks during their execution.

Following are the points which justify the execution of project work departmentally.

  • Better quality of construction work is ensured.

  • The quality of the work can be controlled in a better manner.

  • In case of strategic installations, the work is normally undertaken departmentally.

  • It creates larger employment opportunities.

  • It helps in preventing accumulation of wealth in the hands of a few.

  • Better for ensuring equitable distribution of wealth in the society.

  • Department can face any difficulties in construction work. The department can train its staff to shoulder such responsibilities.