• To inspect the material received in the store.
  • To record receipt of material.
  • To make proper arrangement to store the material.
  • To check the physical inventory periodically to ensure agreement of actual stock with the stock on record.
  •  To issue material against proper requisition.
  • To keep a record of the movement of material.

Duties of Store Keepers

The store construction organisation is to be managed by an experienced technical person with the help of his subordinate staff. He must be capable of organising it. The following are the important duties of a store-keeper.

  • To maintain the store materials within the maximum and minimum level.
  •  To see that the material is neither in excess nor inadequate.
  • To keep proper receipts.
  • To safeguard the materials and goods against theft, wastage, fire, leakage etc.
  • To issue material to different construction sites on production of the authorised requisition.
  • To control the activities of the staff working in the stores department.
  • To see that the record of the store is properly maintained.
  • To plan proper layout of the store.
  • To see that the stores department functions efficiently.

Efficient handling and control of stores

For efficient handling of store materials, the following points are worth noting:

  • Proper utilisation of the available space to its fullest capacity.
  • The store handling equipments should be maintained.
  • No time should be wasted in issuing material, it should be done with utmost care.
  • All the items should be stored by following the system of numerical does and symbols. The bin cards and store record cards must also have the name, number and symbols on them.
  • The system of stores should be such that each item issued is traced and identified with the relative jobs.
  • Manual handling is expensive and time consuming. The size of work must take this point into consideration.
  • The use of hoist can solve many problems.
  • Intermediate stock piles of materials can be considered in case of all structures.