Individual Behaviour

  • Any action which a man as an individual performs towards others is called as individual behaviour.

  • When individual thinks for himself and acts for himself it is called as individual behaviour.

  • Influence of other persons also influences individual behaviour.

  • Human psychology studies the human behaviour.

  • The most important factor about the individual behaviour is that aspect of human attitude which influence other.

  • When an individual is alone, he can act according to his own will and wish.

Group Behaviour

  • Group is a sort of collective mind.

  • Thinking of every individual contributes to the resultant action which can be defined as Group Behaviour.

  • Group behaviour is the result of motivation and not the character of individual action.

  • In the group, an individual is not guided by his own will or wish, but acts according to the composite group action.

  • Every group has its own cultural pattern.

  • When the groups are strong, the members are closely bound in it.

  • In the case of differences of opinions in the group, the members in the minority opinion have to change their opinions according to majority wish.

  • The group behaviour proves good as well as bad for the management. It is a sort of power.

  • Social traditions and informal relations of the group are essential for the smooth working of the organisation.

  • Group power is just like fire, it is destructive when improperly handled.

  • Once a management understand the importance of this force and realise how to work with it, they can employ it for constructive purpose of the organisation.